Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Week 9: Prayer

Four Reasons Why People Don't Pray
1.They aren't sure how to pray.

2.They get bored or distracted while praying.

3.They think their requests are too small for God.

4.They aren't sure their prayers will make a difference.

What is Prayer?
Prayer is communicating with God.

How can we pray?

1.With gut-level honesty (Exodus 5:22-23; Matthew 6:5,7)

2.Talk about everything that matters to you (Philippians 4:6)

Prayer is a Conversation (a dialogue), that requires us to listen...

What to ask God...

1. Are there any sins I need to confess? (Listen for Conviction)
2. Are there any words of encouragement I need to hear? (Listen for Affirmation)
3. Are there any promises I'm forgetting to receive? (Listen for Promises)
4. Are there any commands I'm neglecting to obey? (Listen for Commands)
5. Are there any warnings I need to heed? (Listen to Warnings)

Listen to sermon here.

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